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    Hope High 암송구절

    [Hope High Ministry 암송구절] 매주 한개의 구절을 예배시간에 암송하며, 아이들이 그 말씀들을 한주동안 암송하며 묵상하는것을 자랑으로 하고 있습니다. #1. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord God is an everlasting rock. (Isaiah 26:4) #2. The h...
    Date2022.03.22 Reply0 Views502 file
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  2. notice

    KFPC Daily Devotion 2022 (저학년용 프린트)

    [2022 Devotion 공지사항] 내년부터는 매일 신약성경 ‘사도행전’을 함께 쓰고, 기도하는 훈련을 갖습니다. 방식은 동일합니다. 아이들 각 노트에 하루에 ‘3절’씩 쓰고, 밑에다가 ‘기도’ 내용을 적을 수 있도록 해주세요....
    Date2021.12.22 Reply0 Views422 file
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  3. 2023 Fall Festival

    Date2023.10.09 Reply0 Views115 file
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  4. CM 뉴스레터 (11월호)

    Date2022.11.30 Reply0 Views75 file
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  5. 성품학교 (#8 Love Everyone)

    11/2/22 성품학교 (#8 Love Everyone) 0. Welcome 1. 사랑송 배우기 2. 사랑에 대한 의미 배우기 (The meaning of loving everyone is to show others you care, to be kind to people who are different from you, to be friendly, to not hate anyone and t...
    Date2022.11.05 Reply0 Views54 file
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  6. CM 뉴스레터 (10월호)

    Date2022.11.02 Reply0 Views44 file
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  7. 성품학교 (#7 Say, "I'm Sorry.")

    10/26/22 성품학교 (#7 Say, "I'm Sorry.") 0. Welcome 1. 화해송 배우기 2. 사과/화해에 대한 의미 배우기 (The meaning of saying "I'm Sorry." means to admit you are wrong, to apologize, to take the blame for something you did or said or ...
    Date2022.10.26 Reply0 Views72 file
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  8. 성품학교 (#6 Respect Others)

    10/19/22 성품학교 (#6 Respect Others) 0. Welcome 1. 존중송 배우기 2. 존중에 대한 의미 배우기 (The meaning of Respecting Others is to be fair, taking turns, cooperating, honoring the rights of other people and being courteous) 3. Bible Study...
    Date2022.10.19 Reply0 Views52 file
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  9. 성품학교 (#5 I Am Special)

    10/12/22 성품학교 (#5 I Am Special) 0. Welcome 1. 노래 배우기 2. 의미 배우기 (I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalm 139-13-14) God made me special for a reason. 3. Bible Study (God Made us a purpose - Genesis) 4. Thinking special thing...
    Date2022.10.19 Reply0 Views50 file
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  10. 성품학교 (#4 The Golden Rule)

    10/05/22 성품학교 (#4 The Golden Rule) 0. Welcome 1. 예의규범송 배우기 2. 예의규범에 대한 의미 배우기 (Do to others what you would have them do to you. Matthew 7:12) Jesus helps me treat others as I want to be treated. 3. Role Play 4. Commi...
    Date2022.10.19 Reply0 Views39 file
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  11. Hallelujah Night 2022

    Date2022.10.16 Reply0 Views44 file
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  12. CM 뉴스레터 (9월호)

    Date2022.09.30 Reply0 Views47 file
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